




2月3日, 2023, 一列诺福克南方货运列车在巴勒斯坦东部脱轨, 俄亥俄州, 包括11辆装有危险物质的油罐车,这些物质离开轨道并起火, 导致释放到空气中, 地下水, 以及周围的社区. 因此,国会正在制定旨在改善铁路安全的立法. 被提议的 《2023年铁路安全法 是否会加强联邦监管以防止未来的出轨. The Act contains key initiatives to advance rail safety and increases the maximum fines DOT may impose on rail carriers for violating safety regulations. 该法案还:

  • 要求交通部更新轨道车辆检查规定,
  • 某些货运列车至少需要两名乘务员,
  • 在2025年5月1日之前逐步淘汰某些油罐车(比现行法律规定的时间提前了四年);
  • 扩大对当地急救人员的培训,
  • 对某些铁路运输公司征收新费用
  • 为研究和发展提供资金,以改善铁路安全.


U.S. Postal Service issues Final Rule for Shipping Electronic Devices Containing Lithium Batteries and Other Hazmat – November 30, 2022

11月30日, 2022, the United States Postal Service (USPS) published a Final Rule revising its Hazmat Postal Regulations, 出版52, 覆盖使用, 损坏的, 或含有或装有锂电池的有缺陷的电子设备. The USPS is limiting the mailing of these products to surface transportation only and are prohibited from being mailed via airfreight. 这些包裹必须标明“限制电子设备”和“仅限地面运输”。, 除了所有其他要求的标记和标签. 此更改立即生效. This prohibition does not apply to new devices in original packaging or manufactured certified new/refurbished devices. USPS cites a consistent increase in incidents involving packages being offered for air transport containing used/defective lithium batteries that have not been properly packaged and labeled. The new restrictions in Pub 52 are designed to protect the safety of the public as well as USPS employees.  



The lithium battery mark has been revised to remove the requirement for a telephone number to be provided on the mark. 在2026年12月31日之前有一个过渡期,在此期间,标记显示在63rd DGR的版本可以继续使用.


PHMSA Request for Information (RFI) 电子危险通信替代方案 – July 11, 2022

2022年7月11日,运输部管道和危险材料安全管理局 公布资料征询书(RFI) 电子危险通信替代方案. PHMSA is seeking input on the potential use of electronic communications as an alternative to the current, 危害沟通的物理文件要求. PHMSA预计电子通信将改善运输安全, 效率, and effectiveness by providing electronic access to the same information as currently required under paper documentation.

评论将在2022年10月24日之前提交给联邦档案. 查看收到的所有评论,请访问: Hazardous Materials: Request for Information 电子危险通信替代方案; Extension of Comment Period | PHMSA (dot.gov)


PHMSA 安全谘询公告 for the Disposal and Recycling of Lithium Batteries in Commercial Transportation - May 17, 2022

2022年5月17日,PHMSA发布了一份 安全谘询公告 about the dangers related to shipping lithium batteries for recycling or disposal to increase the public’s overall awareness.  PHMSA states that it’s hazardous materials investigators routinely saw shippers and carriers improperly package and ship lithium batteries for disposal or recycling. Such dangers included the improper packaging of lithium batteries as not to prevent short circuits, 将损坏的锂电池与同一包装的其他电池混合使用, and shipping pallet loads of batteries in boxes and drums with inappropriate identification of package contents.


锂电池UN 38.3测试总结- 2022年1月1日

PHMSA, Hazardous Materials Regulations (HMR; 49 C.F.R.,第171-180部分). 最终规则,2020年5月11日.

1月1日生效, 2022, 用于运输的锂电池和电池, 制造商必须根据要求提供测试摘要. The test summary must include a list of specific elements based on the results of the test report outlined under section 38.《联合国测试和标准手册》第3条. 该要求包括2008年1月1日以后生产的所有电芯和电池. 该PHMSA规则在两个方面不同于国际要求. 首先,它涵盖了1月11日以后生产的电池. 2008年第1号决议,而联合国第38号决议.3可以追溯到2003年. 另一个区别是遵守日期. PHMSA将其合规日期从2020年延长至2022年1月.


锂电池和电池包装说明的变化- 2022年1月


从2022年1月开始,包装说明965和968已经修订,删除了第II部分. Small lithium ion and lithium metal batteries and cells will be packaged in accordance with Section IB of Packing Instruction 965 and Packing Instruction 968, 是适用的. 为适应这一变化,到2022年3月31日有3个月的过渡期. 在此期间,托运人可继续使用第II条.


New International Safety Guidelines for Warehouse Storage of Dangerous Goods in Preparation for Sea-Transport - December 2021

就近期涉及不当存放危险品的仓库事故作出回应, 包括天津, 中国(2015)和贝鲁特, 黎巴嫩(2020), 包括ICHCA在内的组织联盟, IVODGA, 国家货运局, 世界航运理事会发布了一份 指导文档 将于2021年12月以白皮书的形式发布. 该文档涵盖了仓库建设的主题, 操作, 消防, security and emergency response and has been endorsed by industry stakeholders such as port operators, 保险公司及协会. It has also been submitted to maritime regulators and the IMO for consideration to be included in international requirements.



6月30日, 2021, TSA宣布所有进口商, 出口商, 航空公司, and Freight Forwarders must comply with the ICAO security requirements for 100% screening of all international all-cargo flights. Requirements include screening of cargo to identify and/or detect hidden explosives and institute supply chain security controls that prevent the introduction of concealed explosives into air cargo. 这一规定并不新鲜,自2010年以来一直适用于商用客机上的货物. 因此,在2021年6月14日,TSA发布了 联邦公报86号,第112号FR 31512宣布安全包装设施(SPF)计划. 


OSHA关于锂离子电池的解释- 2021年6月23日

OSHA危险通讯标准,29 CFR 1910.1200. 2021年6月23日的解释函.

2021年6月23日,OSHA发布了一份 解释信 responding to the European Portable Battery Association providing clarification that it does not consider lithium-ion batteries to be "articles" under the Hazard Communications Standard (HCS) and are therefore not exempt from the requirement for a Safety Data Sheet. OSHA has stated that it based its decision on public and government information sources showing that lithium-ion battery failure can present a fire/physical hazard and a toxic exposure hazard (e.g.(锂、钴)在正常使用和可预见的紧急情况下.


锂电池在客机上作为货物, 州收费和替代包装规定- 3月6日, 2019

PHMSA 暂行最终规则2019年3月6日.         

This interim final rule (IFR) which becomes effective immediately amends the HMR to (1) prohibit the transport of lithium-ion cells and batteries as cargo on passenger aircraft; (2) requires all lithium ion cells and batteries to be shipped at not more than a 30 % state of charge on cargo-only aircraft; and (3) limits the use of alternative provisions for small lithium cell or batteries to one package per consignment. The amendments will not restrict passengers or crew members from bringing personal items or electronic devices containing lithium cells or batteries aboard aircraft or restrict the air transport of lithium-ion cells or batteries when packed with or contained in equipment.                


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